Are You The Brickman Of Your Small Business?

Are You The Brickman Of Your Small Business?
Discover the first of 7 Lego bricks essential to keeping the Wolves at bay
To celebrate Queensland Small Business Month and the return of Channel 9's Lego Masters, I'm looking forward to my next FREE 'Lunch and Learn' Webinar where I'll share the Top 7 Lego Bricks essential to keeping the Wolves at bay.

I hope like me, you are a lover of the TV Show Lego Masters.

Even though I never played with Lego as a child or an adult (until a few years ago), I love watching this show for 3 reasons:

1. To see the amazing creativity and technical ability of the contestants who build such amazing masterpieces in a very short timeframe.

2. The fun and pure joy which surrounds this show as you see people loving what they do, and the admiration (in a competition no less) of the skills and expertise of others.

3. As someone who wrote a book about building a brick business... one brick at a time, and this is my mantra to anyone I coach; it's a bit of a no-brainer.

P.S If you haven't got a copy of my business book The Five Little Business Pigs, you can get the first three chapters and get your copy here.

There are so many lessons and attributes in the show which should be embraced by everyone working in a small business.

So to peak your interest, here's the first essential brick essential in every small business to maximise your profitability, productivity and performance (and help to keep those pesky wolves at bay).
The CEO MUST be Brickman – whether you own the business or are running it on behalf of the owner.

Brickman is awesome.
Not only does he have amazing technical skill and creativity but as the judge of this wonderful competition, he oozes leadership in his:

✅ Authority
✅ Positivity
✅ Support
✅ Encouragement
✅ Calmness
✅ Constructive Feedback and Advice (with a bit of measured tough love when needed)
Now if you haven't seen the show, Brickman's role is to:
1. Set the Challenge
2. Clarify the Judging Criteria
3. Provide Advice about what he's seeing in the build
4. Judges the builds based on at least these 3 criteria: storytelling, aesthetics and technical skills.
Now compare this to what you're required to develop as Leader of your small business:
1. Develop Your Business Strategy
2. Set Key Performance Indicators to achieve this
3. Provide Training and Support
4. Storytelling = Marketing messaging and content
5. Aesthetics = Brand
6. Technical Skills = Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
Very similar isn't it?
It just goes to show the power and inspiration of the Lego Brick and its application across so many facets of life.
What's Next?
I know you know that every Owner/CEO needs to be the Leader of their small business.

But with so many tasks and competing demands on your time, this essential Leadership Brick can often get forgotten, dismissed or ignored?

So are you actively portraying these Leadership Bricks each and every day to your team, or do you need to add some of them to your repertoire?
And here's my final thought:
Whilst you need to be the Brickman of your small business, you also need your own Brickman to provide ....

✅ that external perspective about what they're seeing – the problems and possibilities – which you often miss when you're in the thick of it.

✅ support and understanding when things go wrong and keep you going through those hard times

✅ ideas for new opportunities and income which you may not have considered

✅ tough love when needed and honest feedback to challenge the status quo and improve

So who's your Brickman? I hope it's someone who provides with all these points and so much more.

Now if you don't have one yet, please book in a chat to see if I'd be the right fit for you.

I hope to see you on my 22 May webinar to find out the other 6 essential bricks and remember, to become the Brickman of your Small Business, you have to build your business... one brick at a time.

P.S Don't forget to book your FREE Let's Fix it' Session with me to help you solve the biggest problem in your small business.

And if you're saying you don't have 30 minutes to spare, you really need to book in a session with me because I can easily create at least 1 simple strategy to 'get you back' 30 minutes a day.

Author: The Five Little Business Pigs Book

Tamara Simon is affectionately known as Australia's Small Business Answer to Bob The Builder (can she fix it? yes she can!).

Her mission is to help owners build a simple profitable business they actually love by....

- FIXING the cracks

- FINDING missing bricks

- FACING the Wolves huffing and puffing at their door


For over twenty-five years as a Small Business Speaker, Author and Coach, she's been providing much needed support to small business owners, CEOs and their teams so they can repair, renovate and rebuild their often expensive hobbies and dysfunctional workplaces into simple profitable businesses they actually love.

So if your organisation's members are small businesses or you're a small business owner looking to REPAIR, RENOVATE or REBUILD your small business, then please book your FREE 'Let's Fix It Chat' with Tamara here.

And check out Tamara's website to find out how to work with her, and book her to speak at your next event.

To find out more and buy your copy



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